Bioethanol alcohol at 96 ° white denatured ethyl lt.1

Bioethanol is a 96 ° colorless alcohol (ethanol) obtained from the distillation of agricultural products rich in carbohydrates and sugars (corn, sorghum, wheat, barley, etc.) and cellulose-type biomass.
Bioethanol can be used to replace denatured ethyl alcohol with the advantage of eliminating the annoying problem of the pinkish residue and the bad odor of the denaturant.
Bioethanol is therefore ideal for the dilution of different types of resins (shellac, decanted shellac, sandracca, copal, benzoe, etc.) and to perform cleaning operations even in a mixture with water, acetone, turpentine essence, etc.
Bioethanol alcohol at 96 ° white denatured lt.1 Stock: 0 - COD. V0196
€ 6,00

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